Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Making progress...

So far this is what I have done on my ballet sweater
<---- The back to the sweater. This was the first section of the sweater that I knit. My gauge was off due to the fact that I have never worked with any yarn of this kind (the fluffy, fuzzy, tangly stuff). It is supposed to have that kind of airy, light feeling; hence the loose gauge.

Then I worked on the ties, 42 friggin' inches later I was done...well with the first one. :(

On to the boobie sections! The left and right front of the sweater, which as you can probably guess is more like a wrap than a sweater.

Now that doesn't look like much but that right there my friend is a sleeve. A beautiful sleeve, not mis-shaped or baggy like my other sweaters. If you have looked at my pictures on flickr you'll know that I am not the best person at making sleeves.

Yes, I can produce a sleeve. But it is never really what it should be or at least how I think a sleeve should look/fit.
I should be done with the actual knitting on this sweater by tomorrow then it is on to the fun part...blocking. And then the really fun part, sewing it all together (did you pick up the sarcasm?).
Sewing a garment together is something that I have never done. I have sewn stuff on a sewing machine, and a little quilting but is putting knitted pieces together the same? I worry the finishing of this sweater will make the entire thing look like cat yak. I'll try reading a little of a book I borrowed from the library written entirely on finishing techniques and how to make your knitting look professional.
Other than wrapping up the ballet sweater I've been working on cataloging my yarn stash to put up on Ravelry. That was quite a job! I quickly realized that I thought I had more than I actually do. :(
Hopefully the next time I come on here the ballet sweater will be finished and sewn together.
Until then,

1 comment:

Happily Knit said...

I was going to make this sweater last year! I was all set to go until my skin had an allergic reaction to the yarn I'd chosen. sigh. Yours looks great(I saw the final photos)! How is your break going?